

im hintergrund der rockefeller-weihnachtsbaum

news aus iraq

wie funktioniert berichterstattung aus dem dem iraq und welchen weg gehen nachrichten aus iraq?

über-blogger michael yon erklärt:


michael yon ist übrigens ein recht flamboyanter charakter: ehemaliger green beret, jetzt unabhängiger kriegsberichterstatter, der nur auf seinem privat-finanzierten blog berichtet:


hier seine erklärung, wieso er in iraq ist: http://www.michaelyon-online.com/wp/tabula-rasa.htm

siehe auch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Yon

Who's that jerk?

It's me! It's me! (With an original Swiss Army Surgical Schutzbrille.)


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geheimes treffen im winter unter dem tori:

myamoto musashi in seinem letzten duell:

A True and Perfect Relation of the Whole Proceedings Against the Late Most Barbarous Traitors, Garnet, a Jesuit and his Confederates

für alle linguistiker und bibliophilen unter uns (you know who you are...):

ein sicher phänomenales buch über den verräter pater henry und seine missetaten - eingebunden in seiner eigenen haut. Es wird noch besser: scheinbar sieht man sein gesicht auf dem einband.

"[Father Henry] Garnet, was hanged in May 1606 for his involvement in the Gunpowder Plot.
According to legend, a piece of bloodstained straw found at the scene of his execution started to develop an exact image of the priest's face. "


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Armee adee

Genau, richtig gelesen -- ade! Sie haben mich sogar schon etwas früher heimgelassen. Nicht wegen besonderer Verdienste, nein, nein, sondern weil -- wider erwarten -- doch schon alle Tage aufgebraucht waren. Aber ich nehm's ihnen nicht übel.

Ein Erinnerungsfoto für aufs Cheminéesims.
(Leider unrasiert.)

1 Popelkopfhörer + 1 Pamir = 1a-Supersoundsystem!
(Womit wieder mal bewiesen wäre, dass die militärische Forschung ab und zu auch etwas Hilfreiches für das Zivilleben abwirft...)


new yorker jurist geht nach miami, äh: in den süden

A big wheel New York corporate lawyer decides to go duck hunting in the deep South.
He arrives, sets up, and almost immediately up comes some ducks and wonder of wonders, he shoots and hits one. It falls on the other side of a fence, marked, "No Trespassing." "Hey," he figures, "Big deal, what're some hayside farmers gonna do to a big shot like me?" So he climbs over the fence and goes for the duck. A voice calls out - he looks up and sees an old geezer on an even older tractor.
"What 'ya doin', boy?"
"Getting my duck," says the lawyer.
"No yer not, that there's my duck? it landed on my propity? soes its mine."
"Listen old man, you know who you're dealing with? I'm one of the biggest, baddest attorneys you ever saw? I'll sue you and take everything you own."
"Tell 'ya what, Sonny. Let's take it to our little way of settlin' legal matters around these here parts, let's do it the 'Three Kick' rule."
"What's that, old man?"
"It's simple, I start by kickin' you three times, then it be your turn to kick me three times, last one standing wins."
Hmmm, thinks the lawyer, this is an old man. He couldn't kick too hard and I'll kick him so hard he'll never remember his own name? teach him a lesson he'll never forget? so why not?
"OK," says the lawyer, "give it your best shot."
The old farmer slowly climbs down from his tractor, takes aim, and swiftly kicks the lawyer right between the legs causing him to fall to his knees, then the farmer walks around and kicks him in the kidneys. The lawyer falls over and the farmer walks around again and kicks him in the head.
Slowly the lawyer gets to his feet, groaning, but mad as hell and ready to get even. But he sees the farmer sitting back on the tractor and calls out,
"Hey, old man, what about my turn?"
"Ah, that's okay young fellow, you go ahead and take the duck, I don't want it after all."

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die knicks sind die in weiss...

und verloren haben sie auch:


klicken für vergrössern oder hier klicken: http://www.basicinstructions.net/2007/10/how-to-apply-video-game-skills-to-your.html


touristen und terroristen

amerika verliert ganz viel geld, weil sie blödsinnig komplizierte und nutzlose einreisebestimmungen haben:

- amerika verliert 94 milliarden $ wegen der einreisebestimmungen: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gW0k9nzBC6HnafIwxJfGcmXxhGaQ

- die ganze aufregung bringt nichts: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2007/11/the_war_on_the.html
