wie bereits erwähnt, hatte ich schon vorher eine ungesunde faszination für afghanistan (und natürlich für navy seals). in den ferien habe ich nun das ausgezeichnete buch "ghost wars" über afghanistan und pakistan gelesen, was den zustand eher verschlimmert hat.
und heute folgender artikel in der nyt:
"Bush Said to Give Orders Allowing Raids in Pakistan
The order allowing Special Operations forces to act without the prior approval of the Pakistani government underscores U.S. concerns over Pakistan's ability and will to combat militants."
ah! geschichten, die das leben schreibt:
"According to two American officials briefed on the raid, it involved more than two dozen members of the Navy Seals who spent several hours on the ground and killed about two dozen suspected Qaeda fighters in what now appeared to have been a planned attack against militants who had been conducting attacks against an American forward operating base across the border in Afghanistan.
Supported by an AC-130 gunship, the Special Operations forces were whisked away by helicopters after completing the mission."
(immer noch gemäss der nyt)
hier noch mehr details zur politischen situation: LINK - alles in allem wirbelt der kleine ausflug gleichviel staub auf, wie damals der ausflug der kolumbianischen spezialkräfte nach ecuador (LINK)
warum die übung dennoch sinn macht:
"Either Pakistan is a sovereign state capable of preventing santuary, or it isn't. You can't claim the rights of sovereignty simultaneous to claiming you can't control the area from which attacks are being launched against another sovereign state. And certainly you can't have your military and intelligence agencies participate in attacks against another sovereign state and claim immunity.
[...] While going unilaterally into Pakistan may not be a "good" idea, it is at this point better than allowing this sanctuary to remain unchallenged."
wie immer meine frage: wann gibts das spiel für die psp zu kaufen?
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